Domestic Violence

With any case, I recommend securing the legal counsel of an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights. This is particularly important in Domestic Violence cases. If charges are filed in these cases following an arrest for domestic violence or spousal abuse, there can be significant consequences.

Olympia Domestic Violence Attorney

couple-defeated-wallDomestic Violence scenarios often have a heightened emotional backdrop. Also, family loyalties can cause potential witnesses to avoid involvement, make false statements to police, or even change their position part way into a case. As an experienced Domestic Violence Lawyer, I can quickly arrange for an investigator to contact witnesses that may not have been interviewed by the police but could have been to secure their statements as to what occurred. This defense investigation remains confidential unless and until such a witness is going to be used at trial or it will assist in case negotiation.

It is critical that you don’t attempt to influence anyone to make or not make a statement to police or try to influence what they might say. You will likely be committing a crime by doing so. This temptation is often very high in Domestic Violence cases. You should contact a Criminal Defense Lawyer to get advice on what to do and not do.

Pre-Trial No Contact Orders

Pre-Trial No Contact Orders placed on the accused by a judge carry the force of law and should be followed. Unless otherwise stated in your court paperwork, these orders forbid personal contact and contact by telephone, text, e-mail, third party messenger, mail, etc. Prosecutors will not hesitate to file additional charges against you during your case if there is evidence you contacted someone against court orders. Calls from jail are not confidential!

However, if you have done this, it doesn’t mean you have no defense to the original charges or the new allegation, you could still. You should have an experienced Defense Lawyer evaluate your case.

Sometimes, these no contact provisions are over inclusive, forbidding contact with people unnecessarily. If that has occurred in your case, we can go to court to try to get the orders modified to something that makes sense for your family.

Protect Your Rights

If you are facing criminal charges it is critical to enlist the counsel of an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney. This is especially true in domestic violence cases.

Call (360) 493-2600 to speak with a criminal defense attorney and domestic violence lawyer as soon as possible to understand your options.

The Law Office of David Lousteau, PLLC