4 Mistakes to Avoid After a DUI Arrest in Washington State

Any incident involving alleged driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs can be overwhelming and stressful. One moment, you are driving down the road—the next thing you know, law enforcement is pulling you over for a moving violation (i.e., failing to fully stop at a stop sign, not using your turn signal, etc.) and asking you to take a field sobriety test. DUI incidents are often disorienting and intimidating, as many people may not know their legal rights and obligations in these situations. Even if you believe that you have been falsely arrested for DUI, it’s essential that you avoid making common mistakes that could lead to worse outcomes for you and your loved ones. Enlisting the guidance of a highly experienced and knowledgeable Olympia DUI defense lawyer is highly recommended for anyone involved in a DUI incident in Washington state. Let’s take a look at the top four mistakes to avoid after getting arrested for DUI offenses so that you can protect your legal rights and maximize your chances of securing a fair and favorable outcome.

Mistake #1: Making Impulsive Decisions

After a DUI incident or being faced with DUI charges, you may be tempted to discuss the event with your friends and family or even post about the case on social media. Unfortunately, acting impulsively can lead to serious consequences, and any comments you make—however harmless they may seem to you—may be used by law enforcement to build a stronger case against you. It’s best to say as little as possible about the DUI incident and save your questions and concerns for private conversations your DUI defense lawyer.

Mistake #2: Missing Court Appearances

Most people want to know what happens after a DUI arrest in Washington state. An arraignment hearing will be set soon after your arrest, where the judge will notify you of the charge(s) against you. The case will proceed in any number of ways, and you should make sure to appear in court when you are required to do so. Skipping court dates can lead to additional charges and other negative consequences, so it’s essential that you remain aware of all your scheduled court appearances and make sure to attend them.

Mistake #3: Pleading Guilty Without a Fight

Many people facing DUI charges assume that they will not win, especially if the chemical test shows that their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level exceeded the legal limit. However, it’s essential to remember that all defendants are presumed innocent unless proven guilty. Your case may have legal defenses that can be identified by an experienced DUI defense attorney. So, it may be worth fighting the charges in order to secure a fair and just outcome.

Mistake #4: Speaking to Law Enforcement Without an Attorney

One of the most serious mistakes for those involved in DUI incidents is speaking to law enforcement without legal representation. While you should be respectful and cooperative at the scene, you can exercise your constitutional right to remain silent until you have spoken with your attorney. Generally speaking, avoiding talking to law enforcement keeps the officer from using or manipulating your statements to further their case against you. Instead, request to speak with your attorney so that you can start to develop a legal defense strategy that preserves and upholds your legal rights and best interests.

Experienced attorney, David Lousteau, has devoted his entire law practice to defending citizens accused of crimes in Washington state. If you were involved in a DUI incident in the greater Olympia area, call The Law Office of David Lousteau, PLLC, right away at (360) 493-2600 to get started with a highly qualified and trusted DUI defense lawyer who will work hard to uphold and enforce your legal rights at every turn.

The Law Office of David Lousteau, PLLC